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Texte der Saho-Sprache [Texts of the Saho language]

by Leo Reinisch

ph_ReinischDownload the documentReinisch, Leo (1889) Texte der Saho-Sprache [Texts of the Saho language]. Wien: Alfred Hölder, p. VI-315 (First volume of the two-volumes set Die Saho-Sprache).

The book contains nine sections with texts in Saho with German translation. The nine sections are:

I. Geschichtliche überliferungen der Saho [Traditional history of the Saho] (21 texts)

II. Sitten und gebräuche der Saho [Customs and manners of the Saho] (1 texts divided in 20 parts)

III. Erzälungen zur beleuchtung der sitten und der rechts der Saho [Explanations about the customs and the rights of the Saho] (21 texts)

IV. Märchen und sagen [Fables and legends] (24 texts)

V. Tierfabeln [Fables about animals] (39 texts)

VI. Anektoden [Anectodes] (32 texts)

VII. Lieder [Songs] (24 texts)

VIII. Sprichwörter [Proverbs] (73 proverbs)

IX. Rätseln [Riddles] (26 riddles)


Caqhde Cindhamti Xaqqehi Zacabah [Convention on the rights of the child] (1996)

Translated by the Ministry of Labour and Human Welfare of Eritrea


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This is the translation in Saho of the Convention on the Rights of the United Nations, signed on 20 November 1989.

The English text of the Convention is available at:

A few Saho texts about bees and honey

by Giorgio Banti and Axmadsacad Maxammad Cumar

cover Ethnorema 5_2009From Ethnorêma, 2009, 5: 89-108.

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Twelve proverbs and one other text about bees and honey in Saho, with English translation, grammatical and text structure analysis.

Source: (with audio files).


Thematic analysis of oral prose narratives in Irob (2013)

By Alema Ghebray Woldemariam

mulogoDownload the documentM.A. Thesis (College of Social Sciences and Languages – Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures – Mekelle University)

Abstract: The research has identified some genres of folklore namely folktales, myths and legends in Irob. After identifying types of folklore, efforts have been made to trace some for the purpose of documentation and analysis focusing on theme. Emphasis has been given to legends and folktales because the availability of myths except the common Christian myths was not encouraging in the area of research. The themes of the identified genres were almost similar in their message. The overall penetration into the overwhelming hybrid of folklore and the themes that are depicted in the study are hoped to attract interested researchers in the field and teach lessons for the generations to come.


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